I would be absolutely crazy if I did not write about my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Christie Lee Johnson!!! I have known this wonderful, amazing lady for about 11 years now and we are still exactly the same!! Whenever her and I come back for the summer, it is like our friendship falls back into place from where we left off. Sometimes we will go months without talking because of our crazy lives, but when we do talk we always have SO much to fill each other in on. Her and I met in 4th grade at Northridge Elementary, and have pretty much been inseparable ever since... I mean there was this HUGE fight in 6th grade when every girl thought I called them fat, so we were not friends for maybe a couple of years lol, but then she invited me to New York kind of as a last resort because another friend was not able to go, or maybe this was elitches?? lol Well that is when we became best friends again. Christie Johnson is a freaking amazing soccer player, and if there were still a professional team I know she would be a STAR! I am so proud of how well she is doing, and she just received the all start award in soccer out of ALL colleges in Nebraska!! Pretty sweet, huh?? haha well I know that our lives change everyday, and we are both living our lives differently, she will always be my best friend...I have yet to ever meet a girl that I am as comfortable with, that after we scream at each other we can laugh at it later, and that I truly have had the most truest friendship ever!! I love you Christie J!

This is us reenacting the same picture we did about 10 years ago!!
Brookie I freaking love you!!! This made my day, awww!! :)). I don't know what I would do without you, you are seriously the most amazing person and I could not be luckier to have you as my best friend! But yes it was elitches that we reunited our friendship lol. Gosh good times for sure! We have been through so much together, but you are right... no matter what we always pick up where we left off! I know we can always count on each other! I LOVE YOU!!! I miss you sooo much!! I am so proud of you for everything you have accomplished, I brag about how much you have overcome with your hair all the time, you are such a strong person inside and out! You are such an inspiration <3 BFF!! :]]