Saturday, February 26, 2011
My New Life
this woman is incredible. I saw her story in the magazine today, such an inspiration. She is from Provo, UT and was in an airplane crash.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentines Day Dinner
here are some pics!
My Momma
Saturday, February 12, 2011
My friend knows the song in my heart
I would be absolutely crazy if I did not write about my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Christie Lee Johnson!!! I have known this wonderful, amazing lady for about 11 years now and we are still exactly the same!! Whenever her and I come back for the summer, it is like our friendship falls back into place from where we left off. Sometimes we will go months without talking because of our crazy lives, but when we do talk we always have SO much to fill each other in on. Her and I met in 4th grade at Northridge Elementary, and have pretty much been inseparable ever since... I mean there was this HUGE fight in 6th grade when every girl thought I called them fat, so we were not friends for maybe a couple of years lol, but then she invited me to New York kind of as a last resort because another friend was not able to go, or maybe this was elitches?? lol Well that is when we became best friends again. Christie Johnson is a freaking amazing soccer player, and if there were still a professional team I know she would be a STAR! I am so proud of how well she is doing, and she just received the all start award in soccer out of ALL colleges in Nebraska!! Pretty sweet, huh?? haha well I know that our lives change everyday, and we are both living our lives differently, she will always be my best friend...I have yet to ever meet a girl that I am as comfortable with, that after we scream at each other we can laugh at it later, and that I truly have had the most truest friendship ever!! I love you Christie J!
This is us reenacting the same picture we did about 10 years ago!!
This is us reenacting the same picture we did about 10 years ago!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011
God only made so many perfect heads, the rest he covered in hair.
It is a little scary for me to write about my hair loss, but I figure the more brave I am about it, the more confident I will feel. I was just talking to my husband how looking at past pictures of my real hair makes me so sad sometimes, because I forget that there was even a time when I had hair. For those who do not know, I have always had Alopecia Areata, but this last year it all disappeared. I say disappeared because I honestly have no idea where ALL of that hair went.
Although my hair has gone away I still am thankful that I have a little bit left for me wig to comb in to;P Most days I forget I am even wearing it, and feel confident that it actually looks real, but I will admit there are other days where I get frustrated that I can't put my hair off my face in a pony tail, I sweat half to death in the summer time, and sometimes my head gets so irritated from it being on for 8 + hours.
I have to share with everyone though how thankful, and blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband. I know when we were just dating he would always hold my hair back to see what i would look like bald, but I was like "I will never be completely bald" haha, but I was wrong. But he is so kind to me, and makes me feel like the most beautiful women in the world. If we are at home and just hanging around, and I still have my wig on he will take it off for me, and always kiss my head. If I were with anyone else, I know I would not feel as comfortable as I do with him. There are days where I feel like I am so ugly then other girls who can just throw there hair up in a cute messy bun, and I just have funny looking random spurts of hair .lol.
There is a brighter side though that always keeps me going. I know that this could always be worse, I could have no eyelashes, although my eye brows are already gone, but I also could be bald because of Cancer, and I am most grateful that it is just an auto-immune disease. I also know that in our next life, I will be perfect. I will have the most gorgeous long hair, and that always puts a smile on my face:)
I just thought I should write about it, so other people could further understand my condition!
I am also going to be brave and show pictures!! haha With hair and without.
Although my hair has gone away I still am thankful that I have a little bit left for me wig to comb in to;P Most days I forget I am even wearing it, and feel confident that it actually looks real, but I will admit there are other days where I get frustrated that I can't put my hair off my face in a pony tail, I sweat half to death in the summer time, and sometimes my head gets so irritated from it being on for 8 + hours.
I have to share with everyone though how thankful, and blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband. I know when we were just dating he would always hold my hair back to see what i would look like bald, but I was like "I will never be completely bald" haha, but I was wrong. But he is so kind to me, and makes me feel like the most beautiful women in the world. If we are at home and just hanging around, and I still have my wig on he will take it off for me, and always kiss my head. If I were with anyone else, I know I would not feel as comfortable as I do with him. There are days where I feel like I am so ugly then other girls who can just throw there hair up in a cute messy bun, and I just have funny looking random spurts of hair .lol.
There is a brighter side though that always keeps me going. I know that this could always be worse, I could have no eyelashes, although my eye brows are already gone, but I also could be bald because of Cancer, and I am most grateful that it is just an auto-immune disease. I also know that in our next life, I will be perfect. I will have the most gorgeous long hair, and that always puts a smile on my face:)
I just thought I should write about it, so other people could further understand my condition!
I am also going to be brave and show pictures!! haha With hair and without.
Monday, February 7, 2011
The way we react to adversity an be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life.
This is my favorite talk, well one of them that was given at general conference, whether you are mormon, jewish, baptist whatever I think everyone should live by these words; "come what may, and love it". Elder Wirthlin talks about how when he was a young boy he recalls a time when he was playing football, and he had fallen' down. His mom was always there and helped him up by saying, come what may and love it. Since then he always took a different outlook on life, and ever since I heard this talk, so did I. I think he puts it beautifully when he says that "every life as its peaks and shadows and times when it seems that the birds don't sing and bells don't ring Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result." I have had many hardships in my life, especially these last couples years, but when I look back at them, I look at them as blessings. I have become the way I am today, because of my trials, and I truly do love all the hardships I have had and that still come my way. You can always tell when someone doesn't have a very bright outlook on life, because most of them blame the world for their problems rather than looking at the brighter side of things. Trust me, I am not perfect, but life sure is a heck of a lot easier just going along for the ride wherever life takes you!
Arrogance never wins.
I have to share how much chad and I have been tested lately with our courage in your business. I am sure many of you are sick of me talking about this, but you know what I don't care because if you are reading this than I know you do not care as much:) I have never had so many slaps in the face by people I have known for years, all because they think this is a scam. But I will tell you that it is not, and that is because I have already seen results from our hard work, but it doesn't mean that there aren't scams out there. It actually just makes me laugh how some people won't even talk to me because they think I will try to sell them something again, but that is ok I would probably do the same thing. I just wish people wouldn't stick to what they know because then they will never discover new options, what is the worst that could happen??
I just want my husband to know how proud I am of him sticking through all the discrimination with me and helping me stay positive. I know I have been difficult too, but if it wasn't for him I would not have received or two ACN checks!
Whether you all are interested or not, I want everyone to take us seriously cause we are going to make it big!!
I just want my husband to know how proud I am of him sticking through all the discrimination with me and helping me stay positive. I know I have been difficult too, but if it wasn't for him I would not have received or two ACN checks!
Whether you all are interested or not, I want everyone to take us seriously cause we are going to make it big!!
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