WOOO well where to begin...
SO since the last time I wrote so many things have happened that I feel I need to update everyone on!
Lets go in order.
In April I made a big decision to take a radioactive pill that was intended to stop my thyroid from producing any more thyroid hormones so that it would not function anymore. I did this because I developed hyperthyroid in 2011 which caused me to loose a bunch of weight and caused heart palpatations. So I started taking a drug called methemazole which normalized the thyroid hormone my thyroid was putting out. When I got pregnant with Madison they monitored me every visit and took me off the drug before I got pregnant because it has the potential of causing problems with the development of the baby and causes problems to my liver more so when I am prego. At this time I really had no idea all of the problems it could cause, but thankfully my body went into remission when I got pregnant so they monitored me every visit by my thyroid levels were perfectly normal! About 6 weeks after having Madi my body started acting up again so I was put back on methemazole. The doctor told me my options this time that I could take radioactive iodine and stop my thyroid function and become hypothyroid like my mom and grandma are AND Iwould be taking a hormone rather than a drug and it would be 100 percent safe during pregnancies OR I keep with what I was doing but risk not going into remission with my future pregnancies and have possible complications, so the obvious choice was stop thyroid functions and not have to worry about it. So almost 3 months later after taking the pill I have still not been put on the hormone replacement pill because my thyroid is not doing what it should be doing. So I have been super exhausted and definitely more irritable but hopefully they will be getting me on something soon! The only frustrating thing with all of this is that we have to wait 10 months before being able to get pregnant again since the radiation stays in my body for about 6 months, so we are so eager to have another baby but we have to wait until my body is ready and healthy for another baby.
So next new thing is that I started 3 jobs all of which keep me at home with my baby. Every wednesday I help a lady clean her house for 3 hours while Chad stays with Madison, 2 days a week I help my grandma stock cards at local stores for a company called Avanti who sell birthday cards, and holiday cards and I also help nanny two cute kids a 1 year old and a 5 year old 1 to 2 days a week which we love because it gives Madison a buddy to play with! This has been such a blessing and I wasnt even looking for a job it just all sort of fell into place which has given us some extra spending money!
SOME SUPER AWESOME NEWS! My hair is growing and growing! I have got a few bald spots which I know will always be there but it is a whole lot better than a whole head bald! NO MORE hot sticky wig in the middle of summer it has been so nice! I have gone from this.. TO This.. My real hair!
We also celebrated my beautiful daughter's first birthday May 26 a park near our home. The theme was "Cute as a button" and chevron design. She wore a super cute outfit we ordered from "angel pie boutique" and she did such an awesome job! Madison got lots of fun presents including a miniature grand piano that we keep in her room that she got from grandma and grandpa Bartholomew. She is now walking like a champ and is running now! She has the cutest walk ever! She is a super big girl, she is in the 95 percentile for height and 70 percentile for weight and at 13 months old she is in 18 months clothes! I love her long legged-ness!
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