Okay so it has been way too long since I have last posted, so I will try to explain everything briefly starting from when I last posted. So as I hope everyone knows by now (from all my sharing on facebook) I have a beautiful little girl names Madison Belle who is almost 8 month! She is a super tall girl with beautiful olive skin tone, and the most precious personality ever (we are still working on figuring out her eye color). We have since moved back from Utah, in July, so about 6 months ago and time as flown by! I do miss it at times, I miss old friends who I had a lot in common with and my good friend who had a baby around the same age as Madison, but we have kept in god touch since the move:) We now live in a cozy apartment home and we are so happy to be living near our family so they can spoil us and more importantly, Madison!
IT being the New year and all, I wanted to make a few changes (not like thats cliche at all). I dont want to do the typical "weight loss" "eat less junk food" because I have tried that all before and honestly I am not willing to give up the junk food, though I could stand to exercise more..any way I am getting off topic..
So what is my New Years Resolution? I want to S L O W D O W N. I struggle with this so much because I am always running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get so many things done. I find myself showering and being out of breath because I have to hurry to make sure Madison is ok, which is totally normal I know, but still why just not wait to do that until the hubby gets home and I can actually enjoy it? But even then I still can not remember sometimes if I put shampoo in my hair already or not so its possible I am shampooing twice. So lately, I forcefully tell myself to not worry about the dishes, or the pile of laundry and just tell myself to wait until Madison is napping or until Chad is home. These days I try to get myself to shower longer than 5 minutes and just RELAX.
I found myself wanting this as my New Years Resolution because when the day is over I feel so sad that another day has gone by and I have to wait until morning to play with my baby girl again. I do not want to look back and regret not treasuring the moments I had with my children because I was too worried about making everything perfect. NOW, a couple years ago I did not care how messy everything was, in high school my mom wanted to kill me for never keeping my room clean, but ever since I was pregnant and that "nesting" instinct kicked in, it never went away! I just want everything to always be perfectly clean for my baby to feel comfortable and safe, but I do not want it to take away from our time together.
Trust me, writing this down I realize I may sound a little dramatic and like one of those silly moms, but I really think all of us moms need to take a step back, and just put all the silly chores to the side and find a better time to do them so that we have time to ourselves and with our kiddos:)
on a different note now..
I do have some pretty exciting news about my alopecia, that my hair has finally grown back! I do have a couple of spots that require wearing a little hat over because it is still bald but I have been getting steroid shots (which really hurt) in those spots that help with hair growth! It is funny because 2 years ago when my hair was gone and I went into this same dermatology office they turned me away to get shots because they told me "your hair will probably not grow back because there are no hair folicles visible" but man I showed them! One of my favorite quotes from the Notebook is "science can only go so far, and then there is God" and I believe that 100 percent! It is crazy to look back on one of my posts from a long time ago on this blog and see pictures of myself without hair and to read about where I was in my life back then, thats why I enjoy blogging because its fun to look back on later on:)
Now I am done ranting:)
Here are some pictures of our little family through the past six months.