Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Life since 2014

It has been 9 months since I last blogged, my goodness! I have so many things to fill in. Well to begin from the last time I wrote, I was waiting for my thyroid to be taken care of, and guess what..IT IS NOW! We found out in February that my body is where it needs to be and that if things go according to plan we will be able to start trying for our second baby:) But just to fill everything in on Madi since shes the most coolest person to ever hear about.. Madi will be 2, YES 2 in May..wait what? I swear I just planned her first birthday last month. I really do get sad with how fast she is growing, but of course I am so excited about all the developments she makes as well! Right now Madi is VERY in to EVERYTHING Princess. It started with the movie Frozen, and to all my friends, yes we feel your pain, we too are listening to Let it go (not so much anymore) and every other song thats frozen on youtube on repeat all day long. One would think it would be easy and fun to sit there and watch these on repeat but I will tell you I do not enjoy it all the time anymore lol. Because now when she wants to watch one, 30 seconds in she says "other one" and takes my hand and puts it on the computer... and then its a guessing game, who knows which one is "the other one?". Still though its precious, she knows the words to the songs and will lip sing with the words to the songs. Her new obsession though is Belle "Tale as old as time" and the Little Mermaid "Part of your world" and Tangled, Tangled is now the new "frozen", we watch it all the time the whole movie which I have to say is kind of nice being able to snuggle up with a usually none snuggler and sing the songs. So there is no doubt what theme birthday party this girl will be having;) Madison's vocabulary has seriously grown so much, she sounds like a 3 year old sometimes when she talks, she is our little parrot who copies every word we say and its the cutest, except for when something may accidentally come out we dont want her to say haha. Just recently I was rocking her before bed time and we were singing a church song "I am a child of God" and she sang the whole song minus a few words along with me! She seriously never fails to impress me. She is also very tall, which I know I always say, but seriously its so true. We will be at the park and she towers over all these boys and when I get to talking to the other moms about our kids ages, she is at least half a year younger than them and like 3 inches taller. No complaints though she can just beat those boys booties when they try smoochin' her later. Our new favorite thing to do with her since she is finally old enough, is SLED! She loves it! (we stole my moms sled so dont tell her;p) but madi loves going FAST or as she says "FAT" and she loves running "FAT" too. She will even go sledding down the hill by herself, with someone being at the bottom to catch her of course:) She also LOVESS the park and she will now even climb up the stuff by herself and go down the slide, ugh it just amazes me, I know its something so simple but she has grown so much with her independence just because it was something she wouldnt do by herself before and I am a proud mama!She also LOVES going to Monley Bizness and Jumpstreet which are some fun kid jungle gyms around where we live, and they are inexpensive and a good way to get some energy out for a couple of hours! We all got hit super hard with the flu about a month ago, and I am the culprit:/ I totally jinxed us because I was so proud that we managed to skip out on the cooties, but we all got it eventually. And thank goodness we are all over it now, Madi held on to that cough for like 3 weeks! We are also so excited to be looking for a new home to move our family to. We are staying in Colorado and looking near by to where we live now and I can not wait for this next step in our life! I am most excited to have a garage and a backyard, and a basement! OK SO HERE IS SOME EXCITEMENT......ARE YOU READY??? Madison is also very excited to announce that she gets to be a BIG SISTER come early November!! Yep thats right, everything DID go according to plan and we get to welcome this next baby with open arms into our family! YAY! We have our first appointment(well technically second) to get an 8 week ultrasound done, and we get to see the babys heart beat since its too small to hear yet. I am so excited to do this all over again (not gunna like a little nervous though) I will definitely be posting pictures soon!:) HOW MY LIFE IS CHANGING This pregnancy I can already tell is SO much different than when I had Madison in my belly. With Madi I was SO sick right off the bat and cant even keep track on my fingers and toes how many times I got sick. I did however have my first puke episode at 3am on April fools day (very funny baby). But this time around I am so tired, and not just because I have a toddler to chase around, I just feel drained all day and want to sleep all day, so I am taking advantage of nap times while I can. I feel nauseated throughout the day, but it goes away then comes back, I am hoping that by the second trimester I will be full of energy again. Well thats it for now! I will be posting more soon:)

