Monday, June 27, 2011

Acn international Event, changed my outlook on life and my future

So as most of you know by now, I was able to finally make it to an International event! And this time i was in San Jose, California (next one in September in Charlotte, North Carolina).

I always heard so many wonderful things about attending this event, that it will "change your life", that "you can't become Senior Vice President without attending these events". No the money does not go to any of my up-line, or to the co-founders the money we pay is for our seat in the arenas which are always sold out. like at least 20, 00 people worth. I didn't fully understand how this event could be SUCH a big deal, until this weekend. I was pumped before, but now not only am I pumped, I know my future will change in only a matter of a few years.

Chad and I have so many goals for ourselves in our lives, and we know all that can be possible with the blood, sweat and tears we put in now, and the life we can have in just a year if we wanted. I know all of this sounds so crazy, and so surreal to most of you. I know most of you think this is still a scam and think to yourself "Oh man, what is Brooke doing she is going to get screwed" but I want you to know that I have yet to be screwed over, I have seen this company work because I am one of them who has made residual income. I now know there is nothing that can stand in my way to keep me from going to the top.

We got the opportunity to listen with billionaire entrepreneur and endorser, Donald Trump who's only company he endorses without personally making money for himself is ACN. I also got to hear from Publisher of Success magazine, Darren Hardy. These are two guys who make a lot of money, but recognize this exceptional opportunity, and after hearing them talk about ACN in such an amazing way I knew this wasn't going anywhere.

So I don't want to write this in hopes for people to maybe wake up, I am writing it in hopes that people will start taking my decisions a little more seriously so I don't have to say "I told you so" in a few years.

Here are some wonderful things I heard from Donald Trump, Darren Hardy, and the co-founders of ACN:
1. Grow personally in every area of your life.
2. With ACN you can have a great professional life, and personal life.
3. Acn will give you residual income, and will bless your residual outcome of your life.
4. This is NOT get rich quick, there is hard work to be done. ANYTHING THAT HAS VALUE DOES NOT COME EASY.
5. There will be disappointments. Somedays I will feel like quitting, somedays I will say I don't know if I can make it, but I will NEVER quit.
6. ACN is a documented company, not a company just starting up hoping we will make it.
7. Fed your faith not your fears

I can't wait to accomplish so much, and build a wonderful life together with my Husband. I love you!

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